Asthma is a condition in which the muscles of the bronchi (air tubes of the lung) contract in spasms, obstructing the flow of air making breathing in and out difficult. Coffee is a potent bronchodilator. In an emergency, when caught without your medication, a few cups of coffee can make a huge difference.
Most physicians recommend as one potentially workable home remedy for asthma to drink a cup of strong coffee without milk. You can add natural honey to sweeten the cup and also to get a soothing effect. Dairy products can aggravate asthma which is why milk is not recommended with coffee as part of regular asthma prevention. The coffee, to be effective in asthma prevention, should be caffeinated since it is the caffeine that dilates the bronchial system.
Coffee is the most concentrated form of caffeine there is.
Regular coffee consumption is helpful to prevent asthma attacks. Coffee contains natural anti-asthmatic compounds, namely theobromine and theophyline. These chemicals help stop bronchospasms and open constricted passages. Obviously, the strength of the brew, type and quality of coffee can impact how much anti-asthmatic "power" your cup has. One more reason to drink good specialty coffee freshly roasted to order.
Prevention is the key to managing asthma.
Asthma can be controlled by taking medicine and avoiding the triggers that cause the asthma attacks. It is also important to remove the triggers in the immediate environment that can produce asthma attacks. For example, triggers such as house pets, dust, pollen, pollution, strong smells, infection, physical exertion, chronic stress, severe anxiety, mold, outdoor air pollution, indoor dust, and others. Usually, the first asthmatic symptoms include difficulty in breathing, an increase in pulse rate, wheezing-especially when breathing out, a dry cough, and a sensation of tightness around the chest.
Coffee is a normal and natural antioxidant source. Caffeine and antioxidants have health and anti aging benefits. Antioxidants help your body repair damage to cells caused by free radicals. In other words, antioxidants help keep the blood clean. Free radicals are produced as a byproduct of cells through normal daily activities. Control these radicals through a moderate but regular daily consumption of coffee, along with other lifestyle habits.
Coffee is highly effective at opening the airways which is why it is a good anti-asthmatic.
Coffee contains about 60-120 mgs of caffeine per cup. Drinking about 24 ounces of coffee per day on the average is beneficial. Medicines for asthma tend to have an elevated dose of caffeine or its extracts (theophylline) or synthetic derivatives. Caffeine helps relieve symptoms of asthma. Did you know, for example, that a single dose of pain reliever such as Anacin or Excedrin contains up to 120 milligrams of caffeine? This is the equivalent of a hefty cup of coffee. Drinking coffee is the "natural" way to do help prevent asthma attacks so why not do it and enjoy drinking the cup of coffee of your choice!
Obviously, always follow your physician's advice regarding any medical conditions, treatments, diagnostics, pregnancy or special dietary plans for you. Coffee, home remedies or natural medications may help in relieving the asthmatic condition but you should always listen to your health practitioner and be a good patient.
Go ahead and drink coffee. In the process, you just may derive some health benefits and enjoy a cup of Organic Colombian Supremo.
Coffee Drinking and Asthma Relief Benefits