

Serve Coffee In a Glass Coffee Pot

There are different types of coffee pots available in the market made of different materials. Among which the most beautiful and popular is the glass coffee pot. Apart from the one made of glass material there are other coffee pots like the cleaning pots, antique coffee pots etc. As they are made of different materials there are several brands also which are involved in manufacturing them. The product made of glass is becoming famous as they can be easily cleaned. While cleaning them you should keep one thing in mind that you should clean them with running water. Generally, these pots are not so costly but there are some pots that cost around hundred dollars.
This product is found in different sizes. There are some pots in which you can put two cups of coffee whereas on the other hand, you can also buy the pots in which you can make about twenty cups of coffee. If you want to buy a pot which can be easily cleaned, then in that particular case the best coffee pot will be the one made of the Pyrex or steel material. The one made of these two materials can be easily cleaned whereas the most important thing is that you need to give extra care to these pots. It does not matter which type of mug you purchase, the important thing is to enjoy the coffee.

As far as the cleaning of the pot is concerned, you should follow some rules so that you can clean it properly. The first thing to do is to put salt and ice into the pot and gently squeeze a lemon slice and also pour water. Hold the pot with both hands and you should rotate in a clockwise direction. After repeating it for some time you should change the direction. Repeat the movement until the stains is removed.
Serve Coffee In a Glass Coffee Pot