

Coffee Filters

Coffee filters - what would we do without them? If not for them, for most coffee drinkers, their coffee would come out filled with nothing by obnoxious, irritating coffee grains and an undesirable bitter taste.

Fortunately, someone had the right idea in making coffee easier to drink for all coffee drinkers. Ironically enough, the idea behind coffee filters didn't come from some brainy, super-intelligent inventor, but from a typical housewife-at least typical for her time, which was early 20th century Germany.


A German housewife named Melitta Benzt, was getting tired of the bitter taste of the coffee she made every morning. She wanted to remove that bitter taste by using a method that separated the ground coffee from the water. She figured it out, and on June 8, 1908, the first filter was invented-By a housewife. It made her a fortune and turned her into an entrepreneur.

Coffee Filters

Today, we still use Mrs. Bentz's invention when we want to make that nice, hot perfectly-brewed cup of joe that most of us like so much. It's so simple-especially if you have a coffee brewer, either at home or on the job.

You get you favorite brand of grounded coffee (Maxwell House, Folgers or whatever brand you happen to like), you get your coffee machine started up, making sure the water is just hot enough, generally about 180 degrees or depending on how hot you think you can handle it.

You get your coffee filters-you can buy them in any supermarket; they're usually in the coffee section, that's logical, isn't it? Or if you have one at the job, which most companies usually do, you put it in an opening in the brewer which will indicate that for you.

Then you simple put a crystal coffee pot underneath the brewer, then you let the water flow into the pot from the brewer. And then you pour that same hot water into the coffee filter, now filled with your favorite coffee brand and just watch the dark, rich, aromatic liquid just slowly pour or seep into the crystal pot. Oh, what an experience! You can talk with co-workers, read a paper or maybe even an email or two, and before you know it your fresh, piping hot pot of coffee is all ready-for you and your family or co-workers.

There's nothing like doing things the old-fashioned way, and for some people, things never change, even the way they make a pot of coffee with coffee filters. And if you're willing to experiment with something new, try the wonderful Senseo coffee pods available in a bunch of yummy flavors.

Mrs. Bentz sure had the right idea when she invented coffee filters. She's made coffee drinking a lot more pleasurable for all coffee drinkers.

Coffee Filters