

Coffee - A Thousand Variations!

After water, coffee is the most popular drink in the world. There are literally thousands of variations on the simple cup of coffee. Coffee beans grown in different parts of the world have different flavors, and coffee connoisseurs will only drink the finest regional coffees such as Hawaiian Kona and Jamaican Blue Mountain. More common coffee can be flavored with oils during the roasting process to give it unique flavors. Many flavors such as Cinnamon, Hazelnut and vanilla can be found in any grocery store, but other more exotic flavors such as daffy taffy and cookiedoodle can only be found at specialty shops or online. The brewing process can also change the flavor of the coffee, creating even more variations. Interestingly, although there are thousands of types of coffee, all coffee beans are grown on just two different species of coffee plants, Arabica (Coffea Arabica) and Robusta (Coffea Canephora).



Originally from the mountains of Ethiopia, Yemen and Sudan, Arabica (Coffea Arabica) was the first coffee to be cultivated and harvested. It has been grown in its native regions for over a thousand years, and is still grown there today. Arabica coffee plants require high elevations and cool temperatures to produce the best coffee beans, and can only be successfully grown in specific areas of the world. Although it can be difficult to grow, over seventy percent of coffee beans produced in the world are Arabica due to its superior flavor compared to Robusta.

Coffee - A Thousand Variations!


Robusta (Coffea Canephora) is the other type of coffee plant that is used to make coffee. Originally from central and western Africa, it is more robust than Arabica and can be successfully grown in many more areas than Arabica. It is also more resistant to disease and produces harvestable amounts of coffee beans in a much shorter time. Although it is much easier to grow Robusta, the beans have a "burnt" and bitter taste that is not popular with most coffee drinkers. Robusta beans are usually mixed with Arabica or used in coffee products where the subtleties of flavor are not an issue.

Dark Roast vs. Light Roast

The roasting process can significantly change the flavor of coffee. Coffee is classified as dark roast or light roast, with variations in between. The type of roast is determined by the amount of time the green coffee beans are roasted, lighter beans being roasted for a shorter time and darker beans roasted for a longer time. Roasting a coffee bean imparts its own flavor to the coffee and for this reason; coffee beans that are prized for their flavor, such as Jamaican Blue Mountain are usually given a light roast so the nuances and subtle flavors of the coffee itself are not removed. Arabica / Robusta blends and other everyday canned coffees are often given a dark roast to give the final product more of the "roast" flavor and less of the specific "bean" flavor. Cans of generic coffee found at supermarkets are often dark roasts. Most people intuitively think that darker roast coffee has more caffeine because it often tastes stronger, but the roasting process breaks down caffeine, so lighter roasts tend to have more.

Flavored Coffee

Flavored coffees are simply coffees that have had additional flavors added during or after the roasting process. Most commonly, the flavors are in the form of oils that are added after the beans have been roasted, but before they are ground. The oils used can evaporate rapidly once they are exposed to air, flavored coffee is often sold in tightly sealed or vacuum packed containers. Coffee can also be flavored after the brewing process by adding flavored syrup to the brew. Many coffee connoisseurs look down on flavored coffee, but for the average coffee drinker it is a tasty variation of a cup of coffee.

Coffee - A Thousand Variations!


Coffee as Your Health Drink

For some time now, debates continue on the health benefits of coffee. There are a variety of studies which found that indulging on certain amounts of coffee causes high blood pressure, heart ailments and even ulcers.

On the other hand, there have been an almost equal number of researches that proved the health benefits of drinking coffee. Let's look more closely at the benefits.


Recent medical findings have shown that regular consumption of coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson's, diabetes, and even lowers the risk of having colon cancer.

Coffee as Your Health Drink

And it seems that the high caffeine content of coffee is the one responsible for all these. The development of Parkinson's for one has been found out to be indirectly correlated to the intake of caffeine. The more you take in caffeine, the less the risk you developing the disease. The same goes with type 2 diabetes.

As more studies are being conducted, the more they are moving towards making their studies conclusive, without any doubts whatsoever. It has been found that taking two cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer by as low as 25 percent.

Also an 80% drop in the risk of having liver cirrhosis was observed in people who drink at least 2 cups of coffee on a daily basis.

The antioxidants found in the coffee appear to be the ones responsible for reducing the chances of developing such diseases. It seems that the antioxidants control the growth of the cells of these diseases.

Also, antioxidants are great sources of chlorogenic acid which have been found to be able to reduce glucose concentrations in one's body.

However, one important factor in all these studies is the quantity of coffee consumption. They have found a number of benefits from drinking a cup or two per day.

However, some of the benefits disappear once the individual drinks more than two cups of coffee in a day. The more you drink, the less benefits you will get.

Aside from the antioxidant contents, coffee's caffeine also has some great effects on our body. Recent research from the University of Bristol found out that the caffeine influences our cognition and mood.

According to the study, caffeine from coffee can increase alertness and performance thus increasing one's productivity especially in the workplace.

Still, coffee does have some not so good effects. Caffeine contains a mild addictive stimulant, coffee itself can cause an increase heart rate as well as an increased blood pressure. But as always, the key is moderation.

Coffee as Your Health Drink


What Coffee Does to Your Health

Coffee can be considered one of nature's greatest gifts. It gives mental and emotional clarity without harmful side effects, (like alcohol or tobacco), and it contains a wealth of nutrients. Yet, when most people drink coffee, they are not thinking that the beverage is improving their health. In fact, some may even feel a little guilty, since some believe coffee isn't good for you at all.

Well, here's the truth of the matter. Coffee, like anything else, can cause problems if too much is consumed. In the short-term, too much coffee will cause insomnia, nausea and hypertension. In the long-term, too much coffee will cause stomach problems, teeth staining, and high cholesterol.


As far as the benefits, moderate consumption of coffee, (which means 1 to 4 cups a day), inundates your body with a wealth of antioxidants. These substances are responsible for eliminating free radicals. They are the chemical byproducts produced any time your body does something. A small number of them can help serve as a buffer against negative elements, but if they aren't kept in check, they can cause health problems. Antioxidants ensure that this doesn't happen.

What Coffee Does to Your Health

Even the caffeine content within coffee can be beneficial toward your health. One way it does this is by acting as a diuretic. Diuretics flush the water of your body's cells, which keeps your weight down while flushing out impurities. This includes feces, which is why coffee offers the perfect cure for constipation.

The psychological effects of caffeine cannot be ignored either. Not only does caffeine make you more alert, but it can actually affect your mood. If you were feeling depressed or overwhelmed, a nice cup of joe could change your perspective. The stack of work that seemed impossible before isn't even a problem now.

In addition, caffeine helps stimulate creativity as it speeds up the body's functioning. That's why coffee is often associated with writers and other intellectual professions. Other drugs tend to make people dumber. Consider what happens when people get high off of crack or when they get drunk off of alcohol. They won't be functional at all. But with coffee, an individual gets a creative boost while still helping their bodies.

In conclusion, don't feel bad when you're brewing your morning cup of coffee. Unlike a can of soda or a shot of alcohol, coffee will make you feel wonderful while keeping you healthy. Just remember, you do have to consume the beverage in moderation.

What Coffee Does to Your Health


Coffee is Good For Your Skin!

Do you love your daily cup of Joe, and do you also want to look beautiful? The good news is that now both of those needs go hand-in-hand because coffee has also been proven, in addition to its numerous health benefits, to be good for your skin. The first point on the list of Java benefits for your skin is the fact that it is the leading drink containing antioxidants that we as Americans lean to. The brew is chock full of antioxidants, and as a refresher, antioxidants are incredibly good within skin care because they work to neutralize free radicals that run rampant and damage our cells. Once your cells become damaged, that will lead to premature aging and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The mere fact that you are drinking your Java every single day is providing you with antioxidant benefits that will work to fight damage on the surface of your skin, leading to a more beautiful complexion!


Right now, one of the latest advances in Java technology is the fact that the coffee cherry itself, which is the form it takes when it is grown on the plant, has been known to have about three times as much antioxidant content as green tea, a leading skincare ingredient. This is completely interesting because green tea is a popular skin care ingredients for working to protect your face and fight free radicals, as we just discussed. The fact that the coffee berries have almost three times the antioxidant power as green tea means that they are anti-aging powerhouses that we need not take for granted. The cherries are actually being extracted to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, which is the discoloration of the skin in the form of brown spots due to sun damage and age. There are even numerous new skincare lines on the market that use the extract from this cherry as a main anti-aging ingredient, and they have been found to reduce the appearance of fine lines by 46% and smooth skin by 64%.

I find it completely amazing that the Java that Americans so love to drink every day also has multiple benefits for the appearance because this is a beauty breakthrough unlike we have ever had before. When you are looking for effective skincare products, it is completely necessary to look for all-natural and botanical ingredients, so using extracts from the cherry will be an effective anti-aging tool. Caffeine is also known as a vasodilator, which means that it can tighten and firm your skin, as well as reduce the appearance of redness. When you put both of these benefits together within your skincare products, it means that coffee can be used to turn back the clock for a more youthful appearance, as well as tighten the surface of your skin due to its natural caffeine content. Be sure to start your day by drinking a cup of Joe to perk up, and use it to wake up to your skin as well!

Coffee is Good For Your Skin!


Coffee, Tea, Caffeine and Brain Cancer Risk

The information in this column is intended for informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice or recommendations by the author. Please consult with your physician before making any lifestyle or medication changes, or if you have any other concerns regarding your health.


Coffee and tea are widely enjoyed around the world, and both have been the subject of numerous health claims (most of them unproven). Tea, and green tea in particular, has been the focus of extensive research, with many prior studies suggesting that tea may improve cardiovascular health and, to a much lesser extent, may decrease the risk of some cancers. Much of the published research regarding coffee has, on the other hand, been focused on trying to disprove purported links between coffee consumption and a potential increase in the risk of some cancers. (Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of such research has not identified a strong link between moderate coffee consumption and an increased risk of cancer.)

The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study is a huge ongoing prospective multinational public health study, and several of this enormous study's preliminary results have already been published. The EPIC study is focused on potential links between diet, nutritional status, lifestyle, and environmental factors and the incidence of cancer (among other chronic diseases). (EPIC is one of the largest studies of diet and health ever undertaken, and has already recruited 520,000 research volunteers in Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.) Now, a new update from this historic public health study suggests that increased coffee and tea consumption may be associated with a decreased incidence of malignant brain tumors. This new update from the EPIC study appears in the current issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Following an average duration of follow-up of nearly 9 years, 588 new cases of brain tumors were diagnosed among the EPIC research volunteers. Gliomas, the most common and most aggressive type of brain tumors that occur in adults, were found to be 34 percent less common among people who drank at least 100 milliliters (3.4 ounces) of coffee or tea per day. (Although not statistically significant, this association was also noted to be stronger in men, with a 41 percent lower risk of gliomas in men, as compared to a 26 percent reduction in glioma incidence in women.)

Although it is not clear what causes gliomas of the brain, prior public health studies have at least suggested a link between glioma brain tumors and chronic occupational exposure to high-intensity electrical and magnetic fields, and to rubber and plastics manufacturing. (As I discuss in "A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race, there is also some data linking prolonged cell phone use with an increased incidence of gliomas and other brain tumors.)

Other smaller public health studies have also identified an apparent link between increased caffeine intake and a decreased incidence of gliomas, and there is laboratory evidence available suggesting that caffeine may reduce the growth of malignant glioma cells growing in culture dishes. Thus, these new findings from the giant EPIC study further suggest the possibility that coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages might be able to reduce the risk of gliomas of the brain.

For a groundbreaking overview of cancer risks, and evidence-based strategies to reduce your risk of developing cancer, order your copy of my new book, "A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race," from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Vroman's Bookstore, and other fine bookstores!

Coffee, Tea, Caffeine and Brain Cancer Risk


Coffee Makers - Standard Equipment for Morning Wake-Up

Coffee may be one of the most universal socially acceptable addictions the world around. I love coffee, the scent of it, the flavors that the beans from different parts of the world have. Truly, it is a gift from the heavens. However, I no longer can drink it. So, since I was raised with a grandmother who was a tea drinker and her father was from Scotland, I learned all about the flavors of tea and that is now what I drink instead of coffee.


From the phenomenal growth of Starbucks and other private label coffees, the idea of a kitchen, without at least one coffee maker, is unthinkable. Even in our kitchen, we use and love our commercial 2 pot Bunn coffee maker. It is large, takes up space and we would not do without it. The maker holds about two and half pots of water that is kept hot enough to brew coffee or tea immediately. You pour in filtered water in the top, as ours is not plumbed to a water source, and hot water starts without delay into the grounds of your freshly ground coffee or, in my case, tea leaves. It takes less than two minutes to brew a full pot of coffee or any amount you wish. You control how much is made simply by the amount of water that you pour in the top.

Once you have your first pot brewed, I would suggest that you keep the coffee or tea in a pump type vacuum holder. We brew two pots first thing in the morning and then it is available all day long. The beverage will stay hot for nearly twenty-four hours and will not have the burned flavor that comes from leaving the liquid on the heat. It is not the age of the brew, but rather the application of additional heat beyond the brewing process that spoils the flavor.

I am not discussing the cappuccino or espresso machines here, just the old-fashioned coffee machines. As you know, there are many brands of good coffee machines. You can find coffee makers in many different colors and capacities. There are those that will make just one or two cups, or the large tank types that make 60 cups or more. So depending on how many people are drinking coffee or tea in your kitchen in the mornings, you should have a good idea what to look for when choosing your perfect coffee maker.

Coffee Makers - Standard Equipment for Morning Wake-Up


Coffee Drinking and Asthma Relief Benefits

Asthma is a condition in which the muscles of the bronchi (air tubes of the lung) contract in spasms, obstructing the flow of air making breathing in and out difficult. Coffee is a potent bronchodilator. In an emergency, when caught without your medication, a few cups of coffee can make a huge difference.


Most physicians recommend as one potentially workable home remedy for asthma to drink a cup of strong coffee without milk. You can add natural honey to sweeten the cup and also to get a soothing effect. Dairy products can aggravate asthma which is why milk is not recommended with coffee as part of regular asthma prevention. The coffee, to be effective in asthma prevention, should be caffeinated since it is the caffeine that dilates the bronchial system.

Coffee is the most concentrated form of caffeine there is.

Regular coffee consumption is helpful to prevent asthma attacks. Coffee contains natural anti-asthmatic compounds, namely theobromine and theophyline. These chemicals help stop bronchospasms and open constricted passages. Obviously, the strength of the brew, type and quality of coffee can impact how much anti-asthmatic "power" your cup has. One more reason to drink good specialty coffee freshly roasted to order.

Prevention is the key to managing asthma.

Asthma can be controlled by taking medicine and avoiding the triggers that cause the asthma attacks. It is also important to remove the triggers in the immediate environment that can produce asthma attacks. For example, triggers such as house pets, dust, pollen, pollution, strong smells, infection, physical exertion, chronic stress, severe anxiety, mold, outdoor air pollution, indoor dust, and others. Usually, the first asthmatic symptoms include difficulty in breathing, an increase in pulse rate, wheezing-especially when breathing out, a dry cough, and a sensation of tightness around the chest.

Coffee is a normal and natural antioxidant source. Caffeine and antioxidants have health and anti aging benefits. Antioxidants help your body repair damage to cells caused by free radicals. In other words, antioxidants help keep the blood clean. Free radicals are produced as a byproduct of cells through normal daily activities. Control these radicals through a moderate but regular daily consumption of coffee, along with other lifestyle habits.

Coffee is highly effective at opening the airways which is why it is a good anti-asthmatic.

Coffee contains about 60-120 mgs of caffeine per cup. Drinking about 24 ounces of coffee per day on the average is beneficial. Medicines for asthma tend to have an elevated dose of caffeine or its extracts (theophylline) or synthetic derivatives. Caffeine helps relieve symptoms of asthma. Did you know, for example, that a single dose of pain reliever such as Anacin or Excedrin contains up to 120 milligrams of caffeine? This is the equivalent of a hefty cup of coffee. Drinking coffee is the "natural" way to do help prevent asthma attacks so why not do it and enjoy drinking the cup of coffee of your choice!

Obviously, always follow your physician's advice regarding any medical conditions, treatments, diagnostics, pregnancy or special dietary plans for you. Coffee, home remedies or natural medications may help in relieving the asthmatic condition but you should always listen to your health practitioner and be a good patient.

Go ahead and drink coffee. In the process, you just may derive some health benefits and enjoy a cup of Organic Colombian Supremo.

Coffee Drinking and Asthma Relief Benefits


Campfire Coffee Recipes

Want to know a few secrets to making a good cup of campfire coffee? There are lots of recipes for making coffee in a plain pot over a campfire or for your camping coffee pot. Try a few varieties to see what suits your taste the best. Here are a few good recipes to get you started so your morning or evening brew tastes good every time.


Traditional Campfire Coffee Recipes

Recipe 1. Bring two quarts of water to a good, rolling boil in a camping coffee pot. Take it from the fire and add 2 handfuls of fine ground coffee. Keep in mind that whoever makes the coffee will change the results of this traditional recipe. Steep for 4 minutes. The secret to good campfire coffee is adding a few tablespoons of cold water to the mixture after steeping. This settles the grounds to the bottom. Then pour slowly to keep as many grounds out of your cup as possible.

Recipe 2. Add 6 teaspoons of ground coffee into a camping coffee pot, and pour 3 pints of cold water over the grounds. Put the pot on the fire and bring it to a boil. Take it off the heat and let steep for 3 minutes. Don't forget the secret. Add those few tablespoons of cold water to the mixture after steeping to settle the grounds. This makes about 6 cups of good campfire coffee.

Campfire Perculator Coffee Pot

Recipe 3. This is the most common method of making campfire coffee. Start with 1½ tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee for each 6 oz of water when using a perculator coffee pot. Here is a trick if you end up with grounds in your coffee. Poke a hole in a regular coffee filter and put it in the perk basket. Watch the percolator for the coffee color. The longer it perks the stronger your coffee will be. A perculator coffee pot takes practice but they make great campfire coffee.

Good Tip

If you use unpleasant lake, well or tap water your coffee will never taste very good. Coffee is 98% water so using good water will make all of difference in good or bad coffee. Bring good water with you and you will enjoy your campfire coffee a lot more.

Copyright © 2005 Best-Coffee-Makers-Online.com. All Rights Reserved

Campfire Coffee Recipes


Coffee Companies

There are a thousand different versions of the best coffee on earth, at least according to the company.


So many companies, and so little time to explore them all. It is a question that still haunts those who seek to know the true origin of this fruit processing produces one of the best drinks on the planet. There are so many ways to make it as well.

There is Biggby Coffee, and Starbucks. They all say they have the best, and some customers might back them up. But how to tell? Can you?

Regular customers don't think much about what they are drinking, but there are people who don't like their coffee either. It's hard work on the respect for those who still do, and give the world the opportunity to enjoy it. But it may be the most worthwhile of causes.

Some places make a kind of coffee that is known as eco-friendly and as such doesn't harm the earth. It is better and some people think it is better tasting too.

Fair trade coffee is another type, such as that might offer better taste to the drinkers who buy it. Reaching specialty coffees, usually prepared using one of the types of infusion in combination with milk.

Folks who are true connoisseurs of the brew say that it doesn't pay but to brew it yourself at home. Domestic consumption increasing exponentially, while the requirement better coffee has become commonplace.

The very best brew may be made at home and that is why the at-home brewers use such methods as french-pressing their own coffee to get the best tasting coffee they can make on their own. Coffee is part of the lives of millions of people who eat in the morning, afternoon and evening every day. You can try it too and find out what you think will work.

Coffee Companies


Serve Coffee In a Glass Coffee Pot

There are different types of coffee pots available in the market made of different materials. Among which the most beautiful and popular is the glass coffee pot. Apart from the one made of glass material there are other coffee pots like the cleaning pots, antique coffee pots etc. As they are made of different materials there are several brands also which are involved in manufacturing them. The product made of glass is becoming famous as they can be easily cleaned. While cleaning them you should keep one thing in mind that you should clean them with running water. Generally, these pots are not so costly but there are some pots that cost around hundred dollars.
This product is found in different sizes. There are some pots in which you can put two cups of coffee whereas on the other hand, you can also buy the pots in which you can make about twenty cups of coffee. If you want to buy a pot which can be easily cleaned, then in that particular case the best coffee pot will be the one made of the Pyrex or steel material. The one made of these two materials can be easily cleaned whereas the most important thing is that you need to give extra care to these pots. It does not matter which type of mug you purchase, the important thing is to enjoy the coffee.

As far as the cleaning of the pot is concerned, you should follow some rules so that you can clean it properly. The first thing to do is to put salt and ice into the pot and gently squeeze a lemon slice and also pour water. Hold the pot with both hands and you should rotate in a clockwise direction. After repeating it for some time you should change the direction. Repeat the movement until the stains is removed.
Serve Coffee In a Glass Coffee Pot


Popular Brands of Coffee

Coffee is the biggest import and export commodity in the world next to oil. There are more than 60 global coffee makers producing coffee to suit the taste buds of every nation. In the 30's and 40's EIGHT O' CLOCK coffee was the most famous, with BROWN GOLD and MAXWELL HOUSE following its lead. Nestle introduced the system of freezing the roasted beans so that they can be stored for a longer time which gained them popularity.
Today coffee makers are under steady competition all over the world with brands striving to get the best flavor and aroma from every bean possible. Big names in the industry include:

Folgers, a major coffee producer from California
Boss Coffee introduced in 1992 in Japan
Nabob distributed by Kraft Foods and sold primarily in the supermarkets of Canada
MJB named after Max J. Brandenstein in early 80's in San Francisco
Jacobs introduced at the end of the 18th century by a German company, that has gained popularity in many parts of Europe
Sanka, one the earliest producers of decaffeinated coffee during the dawn of the 19th century and is now distributed by Kraft Foods in the US
The Kenya Coffee Company now known as Kenco is widely distributed in the United Kingdom
Nescafe' is one of the world's leading brands in Coffee owned by the Nestle Corporation and is distributed in all major countries
Maccona, a Dutch brand distributed in Australia and New Zealand
Coop Kaffe, a famous Norwegian brand managed by the Norwegian cooperative grocery chain.
Many Coffee producers battle out the competition to become the best coffee producer by introducing new varieties and existing super brands continue to maintain class by researching and doing their part to squeeze out the best possible flavor and aroma from each coffee bean.
Popular Brands of Coffee