

Coffee Production

The Coffee plant requires a warm humid climate, 22-25C, moist air, high temperatures and daily rainfall to make it flourish and flower.

Therefore the coffee producing countries are located between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.


World production of coffee beans can be broken down into:

Coffee Production

65% Central and South America, Mexico, Panama, Jamaica, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador

25% Asia/ Pacific, Indonesia, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam

10% Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Cameroon

Coffee is often known by the port of "export" as many plantations come together to produce one export item. The coffee from large plantations is often mixed with small farmers crops. The coffee plant can grow between 10-12 metres although they are normally pruned at 2-3 metres, making the fruit picking, which is done by hand, easier. The plant will mature in about three years, then clusters of white fragrant flowers appear for 2-3 days. They are quickly replaced by small green coffee cherries which ripen to a brilliant red.

The cherry contains two coffee beans. There are approximately 60 varieties/ species of the coffee plant, although only two are really suited for the commercial market:-


This is the most sought after bean for its quality and richness of flavour. This species grows at high altitude in richly fertilized and mineral filled soil. This is a temperamental plant, susceptible to disease, frost and drought. They also require perfect weather and soil conditions.

Arabica beans sell at a higher price due to their quality and limited availability.


This species adapts to all conditions, grow more quickly and at a lower altitude. Robusta beans are much smaller in size, have a less pronounced flavour and are used mainly in instant coffee.

Producing that great cup of coffee requires both these beans. Arabica coffee provides the quality, flavour, aroma and gives that acidic taste due to the soil in which it is produced. Robusta adds colour and body to coffee. It has a higher oil content producing great crema and when combined with Arabica coffee takes the acidity away from the final blend.

Coffee Production