

How to Clean Coffee Mugs

Have you ever had a favorite coffee mug get stained so badly that throwing it away was the only solution? Well fret not! There are ways to clean it without harming the mug.

Stains usually come from the coffee/tea itself, additives (cream/sugar), stir sticks and spoons.So be sure to choose cleaning methods that suit the stain. One thing that I highly do NOT recommend is washing coffee mugs in the dishwasher. Because of the hot water and steam inside the dishwasher, this can actually break down the enamel on the mug and cause crackling or spider veins (heat cracks). You can tell if it has heat cracks if the inside mug has a mottled look where the coffee has seeped into the interior walls. Always hand wash mugs to keep them fresh and in mint condition.


Problem: Coffee/tea stains on the outside.

How to Clean Coffee Mugs

Solution: Most of the time you can just use a **Magic Eraser (Mr. Clean brand works wonders) and rub back and forth around the stain. **will rub off any coloring that is not glazed onto the mug (photos/prints/un-glazed images). If this doesn't work, see solution for inside staining

Problem: Coffee/tea stains on inside.

Solution #1: Add 2 tablespoons of bleach + water and let set for a couple of hours. Make sure to wash and rinse to get bleach out. Some people will fill up sink with water and then add bleach to soak multiple mugs....please be warned that this will cause fading on unglazed print mugs.

Solutuion #2: Make Baking Soda paste (baking soda + a little bit of water) and then apply it to affected areas. Using a toothbrush can penetrate difficult stains. Wash and rinse.

Solution #3: Magic Erasers....the trick to using these are to not oversaturate the erasers....just dampen them and then rub.

Solution #4: Put baking soda directly onto magic eraser and scrub. This does take some effort, so if you dont mind some elbow grease, then use this method.

Problem: Spoon markings on inside.

Solution: My favorite product for cleaning is Bar Keepers Friend (**powder version). Slightly dampen the inside of mug and then sprinkle powder on inside. Let it set for 10-15 mins and then either use a finger or soft scrubbing pad, rub powder into mug. Wash and rinse. **I have tried the liquid version of Bar Keepers Friend but found that it  just doesn't do a good job as the powder. You can also use Bon Ami if you cant find Bar Keepers Friend.

Problem: Rust stains on mug

Solution: Bar Keepers Powder (read solution above)

Additional ways to clean mugs

---put denture cleaning tablets inside mug and fill with water
---CLR (for cleaning Calcium buildup, Lime and Rust)
---Whitening Toothpaste....yep....not for just cleaning teeth anymore!
---Toothpaste with baking soda
---Oxyclean. Make a paste with water and rub it on
---Salt. Dampen inside of mug and rub salt into stains
---Undiluted vinegar. Let it soak overnight for tough stains (esp. Corningware brand)

by Paula Duff

How to Clean Coffee Mugs