

Special Coffee Variety

Coffee is a drink that is usually drank hot. It contains caffeine which makes you more alert. Coffee is drunk around the globe and almost every country has its own special coffee variety. Coffee is made from the peeled, grounded, dried and roasted seeds of the coffee plant. The seeds are called coffee beans. During the roasting process, about 700 different chemical substances are released.

After the harvesting and drying of the coffee bean it is burnt and ground. Sometimes different types of coffee are mixed to create the perfect taste. This mixture is to be put in a filter, this filter is usually already present in modern coffee machines, and then hot water is added. The fluid that seeps from the filter is what we, today, call coffee. There are various other methods to make coffee but this is the most common one. Some machines ground the coffee themselves; freshly ground coffee is usually regarded to be of higher quality and better taste than the pre-ground variety.


One of the seven hundred chemical substances which are released during the roasting of the beans is caffeine. Some people, however, are advised not to drink caffeine for health reasons. These people can, thankfully, still enjoy a hot, steaming cup of coffee in the mornings as it is fairly easy to take most of the caffeine out of the beans. By applying carbon dioxide at a certain temperature and pressure for example. Another way is to steam the beans which makes them more porous, the beans are rinsed in chemicals which extract most of the caffeine from the beans. The beans are then rinsed with clean water to remove all chemical residues. After this the beans are dried and processed just like regular coffee beans. It is impossible to extract all the caffeine from the beans, but enough can be removed as to not impose a health risk for people sensitive to caffeine. Recently a caffeine free type of coffee has been discovered in Cameroon. Caffeine free coffee beans were already known to exist on Madagascar. There are, however, no plans for the commercial growing of these beans. 

Special Coffee Variety

Brand dedicated to chicory based drinks. Almost hundred years' tradition in cereal and chicory drinks.

Special Coffee Variety